Writing is the most fun you can have by yourself - Terry Pratchett

Auteur: Marlies Vaz Nunes (Pagina 4 van 16)

Uitgever gevonden

In de zomer van 2022 heb ik een collectief van uitgevers gevonden die het merendeel van mijn zelf uitgegeven boeken gaat heruitgeven. Het eerste boek is intussen uitgekomen bij Uitgeverij Ellessy: Een lange zomer in Thessaloniki. De andere (Suzettes keuze) en de jeugdserie (De andere waarheid) zullen volgen.

Mijn nieuwste historische roman, die gaat over de levens van mijn grootmoeder en haar moeder, grootmoeder en overgrootmoeder is ook geaccepteerd voor publicatie en zal worden uitgebracht door Uitgeverij Davey Jones.

The Wandor Riddle

Book 1 of The Other Truth

In kindle version for sale from Amazon and as ePub from Smashwords, Kobo and others @ €2,54.

Onna lives with her parents, her three-year older brother and her grandfather in an inn in the village of Pellona, which her parents run. In the middle of winter, sixteen-year-old Wandor comes her way. He is badly injured, suffers from amnesia and, after being treated by the doctor, is put up at the inn to recover. Onna finds him intriguing and suspects ever more strongly that he has not lost his memory at all, but is pretending to. Why? When she notices that others, too, such as the village chief and the priest of the Brotherhood, are trying to find out his secret, Onna suspects that his secret may put him in danger. To be able to help him, she tries to find out his secret before the priest or the village chief do. Will she succeed?

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